Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What To Do When Men Pull Back .

What to Do When Men Pull Back - Relationship Advice For Women
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Gillian_Reynolds]Gillian Reynolds

When men pull back in a relationship it can leave the woman in their lives feeling frustrated and confused. If you've ever been in this position with the man you love, you know that it also can result in you feeling rejected by him. It's hard for us women to understand why men do this. It's even more challenging to figure out what to do when it happens to you. Do you sit patiently and wait for your man to regain his senses and come back or should you end things right there on the spot? There is a way to actually draw him back in and make the relationship stronger than ever.

When men pull back most women believe it's because they are scared of the way they are feeling. That's actually the case much of the time, but men also pull back when they feel that the relationship isn't going in the direction they'd like. They also sometimes become distant simply as a test of the woman. They want to see how you'll react because they can determine a lot from that. In order to gain control of the situation and get your man to desire to be close to you again you actually have to do something fairly drastic. You have to pull back too.

This doesn't mean that you should tell him it's over. What it does mean is that you shouldn't mention his change in attitude. You need to act as though it doesn't bother you in the least. Don't tell him that you two need to talk and never tell him how much his behavior is hurting you. In this case it's a matter of mirroring his actions. When men pull back in this way they expect the woman they love to get overly emotional. If you don't, it will leave him confused and unsure. Don't call him to see where he is, don't email him and tell him how you are feeling. You instead need to all but disappear from his life. Get busy doing other things and before you know it, he'll come looking for you.

Specific things you say and do can make a man feel helplessly drawn to you. If you are convinced he is the one there are things you can do to ensure he only has eyes for you. For more insightful tips about understanding men including a way to get him to fall deeply in love with you, visit this [http://www.makeamanloveyou.com]informative site!

You don't have to leave love to fate or chance. If you are tired of waiting for him to fall hopelessly in love, there are things you can do to make it happen now. Find out [http://www.makeamanloveyou.com]right now what you need to do to capture his heart forever.

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?What-to-Do-When-Men-Pull-Back---Relationship-Advice-For-Women&id=1600467] What to Do When Men Pull Back - Relationship Advice For Women

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Why Guys Pull Away : Insider Information

Why Do Men Pull Away Emotionally? Insight Into What Your Man Is Feeling
 Are you still wondering what went wrong?Why did he not pop the Question?Why does he seem emotionally distant? Something has happened to the eye contact thing you had? You might not like the answer!Wondering why guys pull back has been a problem since dating was invented. Do you fit this profile: needy ,clingy, invading his space.Lets look at the bright side for a while:

Have you watched the video!
Now down to serious business. I found this article that explains why men pull back.If you are wounded and hurt because of that read it and find out how to fix it.

Why Do Men Pull Away Emotionally? Insight Into What Your Man Is Feeling
By Gillian Reynolds
Why do men pull away emotionally? That's one question that many women search for an answer to. It's very difficult to understand. When you get close to a man, things may seem to be moving in a forward and positive direction. Then suddenly he pulls back and you're left feeling very alone and confused. You begin to question whether the things he said about what he felt for you were true. You may even start to wonder about your own ability to trust again. It's a messy situation and unless you really understand why this happens, you'll never be able to deal with it effectively.
The question of why men pull away emotionally isn't confined to just one answer. Most women don't realize how fickle men are in the beginning of a relationship. You may feel that things are so comfortable that you let your true feelings show too soon. This can happen when a woman blurts out the words, "I love you" before her guy is ready to hear it. Another common reason why men pull back is that intimacy happens too soon for them. He may have been the active pursuer but once he had you, his attitude can change dramatically. You obviously feel discarded and confused when your guy pulls back, but you also have to take into consideration what he's feeling too.
We view relationships and their development very differently than men do. We see all his flaws and insecurities as being charming and endearing. Men aren't that way at all. If you come across as being overly jealous or you are always talking to him about your problems, he sees that as extra relationship weight that he isn't prepared to be carrying so soon.
The fact is that in the very early days of a new relationship you're being tested on a continual basis. How you handle even the most seemingly insignificant situations will have a strong bearing on whether he chooses to pursue you more. Many men let their guard down and then pull back when they see something, even something apparently inconsequential, in the woman that they find unappealing.
Anytime you make a mistake, even one that you view as insignificant, it can lead to him pulling back from you. Men are typically in search of an ideal mate so if you do anything that doesn't fit into that mold, you may find yourself feeling emotionally very alone. It's difficult, but unfortunately it's a part of relationships that we sometimes have to deal with.
When a woman makes a critical mistake in her relationship it can damage it forever. If you've done anything that has caused your man to pull back, there is a way for you to get his interest back now.
Learn how to erase just about any mistake with your man by clicking here.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gillian_Reynolds

Friday, May 4, 2012

Why Guys Pull Away.

I think the movie  "How To Loose A Guy In 10 Days" explains it the best.
Here are the main reasons why  guys pull away.

1 Not being your own person.

You loose the guy when you loose all your friends and he becomes your "best friend forever. "
Why is this a sure way to loose him?
He realises that he is now the sole owner of your attention.He did not sign on for that! He wants to spend "some" time with you,not be with you ALL the time.

2 You have no interest other than making him happy!
Get a life and get it Now!
Find a hobby that you are enthusiastic about.(Not a fake one like Harrison Ford in Sabrina.)
Do something unique that expresses who you rally are.

3 You are a couch potato.
This speaks for itself. Women who are active have the go to do things.Join a club to:
Go camping,
Go rafting
Go skydiving
Go scuba diving
Go Go Go.
Anthony Robbins describes it best when he says:"Get more reference points."
The more you have, the more interesting you become.

4You want to be the perfect mirror of his interests.
One short answer: Don't!Don't try to become him. He chose you for who you are.
Cloning himself was never in his mind.
Become more of you.

5 You love to sulk.
Sulking when things do not pan out as planned is a sure way to drive him away.
Be the ray of sunshine when things go wrong .Think and plan ahead because life happens.
What do you do when you get a flat tire?
a double booking at your favorite restaurant?
a shoe strap breaks?
It starts raining on your new hair do?
Think of how you handled a crisis in the past and plan how you are going to do it  this time.

These are the five things I have found to be a sure way to let a guy pull away.
I found this hilarious video about how to make a guy pull away.


The answer of the question WHY GUYS PULL AWAY? Can be found here: http://bit.ly/whyguyspullaway